About Me

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GR, MI, United States
Above all else I must make a confession: I am a procrastinator. Whew, could not wait to get that out there. At the moment my name is Peter J. White. I am the son of Jim P. White and Ann M. White and the little brother to a Katie and older brother to a Ruth. Those are some of the people that are important to me. Over the past few years of my life I have changed more then ever before. Everyday is a new day; everyday is a new me. Not to say if you knew me in the heady days of high school you would not recognize my personality, or my appearance, but I would see you in a new light. Lastly I have learned a few things lately that I would like to share. Hard work is not cheap. Take nothing for granted. And, this one is for the world; if we work together we might make this whole damn thing (life, the universe, and everything) work. But mostly: enjoy. Much love, Peter J. White

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


With this piece I was trying to figure something out to catch the eye. Then I remembered the most eye catching design in the history of design.: Polka Dots.
I wanted it to be something ridicules so I decided upon a whale, and that is how polka dot whale productions was started. It is happy go lucky, something that represents me pretty well. When I put the text in I found it created a lot of zero space. As a remedy to this problem, I opened up the tracking on the fonts below the name of the DVD. I tried to create a diagonal line with the different DVD options.

In the class critiques a lot of people said the title and the DVD menu options run together with the title. I had a lot of suggestions to space them out more but space is something of an issue so I will underling the title. I feel that would give it enough separation from the rest of the menu. Some people did not like the placement of the “play all” button, or the fonts I used for it. I am not sure what to do about that. I have experimented with placing it in the whale but I need to tool around with it some more.

When the menu options are selected I want them to light up, and for the play all, I would like the entire whale’s outline to light up.

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